Lumbini Kindergarten

Trust and affection


Children from 12 months to 5 years old

3,000+ m2

School area



About us

Lumbini Kindergarten is currently the first large-scale school of the Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha in Hue city.

The kindergarten was established as a result of the wishes of the monks and nuns of Thua Thien Hue and the assistance of Buddhist monks and nuns domestically as well as abroad. The representatives are Venerable Thich Hai An, abbot of Tu Dam Pagoda, Hue - Chairman of Lumbini Kindergarten and Nun Thich Nu Nhu Minh, abbot of Tay Linh Pagoda, Hue - Vice Chairman of the Lumbini Kindergarten.

Educational Values


Understanding, respect, love.


Intelligence, sensitivity and sophistication (IQ, EQ, AQ).


Calmness, patience, effort, courage, persistence.

"The Kindergarten gives wings to little dreams with great value. Our goal is to educate children holistically, combining their mind, body and spirit."

Educational Programs and Methods


Reggio Emilia Inspired & Project Approach

Reggio Emilia and Project Approach are implemented in the main activities in kindergarten to help children experience and explore the world around them in the most fun, comfortable and confident way.


Mindfulness & Personality Education

Bringing mindfulness and character education into daily activities helps children to focus. Thereby enhancing their academic and socialemotional skills. From there, it helps children promote the "executive function" of the brain to touch, arouse, and water the seeds of wisdom and love in themselves.


Program of the Ministry of Education

The program of the Ministry of Education is used to assess the child's development at each stage of development. Especially at the end of their age.


At Lumbini Kindergarten, we always inspire a love of learning for children throughout their educational journey from initial foundation in Kindergarten to the future. It is essential for children to be able to develop physically and mentally.


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